Articles tagged with: sugar act
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There were twelve years between the signing of the Treaty of Paris on February 1763 and the ride of Paul Revere on April 1775. Tension and anger between colonists and the empire increasingly rose to the point of no return. During the short period of 1762-1770 the causing disruption in its colonial policy. Furthermore, it found itself fighting wars in Europe, West Indies and Asia which drastically increased the cost of servicing its national debt. At the top of its agenda was the lightening of the burden on British …
Sugar act »

It was known as the in America and titled American Revenue Act by Britih Parliament.
The Sugar Act was passed by Parliament on April 5, 1764.
It was introduced by Prime Minister George Grenville as a permanent act.
The Sugar Act replaced the that was about to expire.
The Act consists of 47 clauses that stipulate rates and duties, restrictions on trade, requirements for shippers, penalties and provisions for prosecution.
Its purpose was to undermine illegal trade and raise revenue to pay for debt incurred during the French Indian War and to pay for …
Documents, Sugar act »

An act for granting certain duties in the British colonies and plantations in America,; for continuing, amending, and making perpetual, an act passed in the sixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, (initituled, An act for the better securing and encouraging the trade of his Majesty’s sugar colonies in America;) for applying the produce of such duties, and of the duties to arise by virtue of the said act, towards defraying the expences of defending, protecting, and securing the said colonies and plantations; for …
Documents, Molasses Act »

Whereas the Welfare and Prosperity of Your Majesty’s Sugar Colonies in America are of the greatest Consequence and Importance to the Trade, Navigation, and Strength of this Kingdom: And whereas the Planters of the said Sugar Colonies have of late Years fallen under such great Discouragements, that they are unable to improve or carry on the Sugar Trade upon an equal Footing with the Foreign Sugar Colonies, without some Advantage and Relief be given to them from Great-Britain; for Remedy whereof, and for the Good and Welfare of Your Majesty’s …
Molasses Act, Timeline of British Acts on America »

This was one of the first decisions of British Parliament that gave a real boost to organizers smuggling in New England colonies. Simultaneously it promoted corruption among customs officials. To crack down colonial trade with countries other than Britain, especially France, the government created a new on foreign molasses.
The Molasses Act of 1733 was enacted by the British Parliament on the 13 colonies of America with the purpose of protecting its sugar plantations in the West Indies. This act was not designed to raise revenue but it was part of …
Featured, Sugar act, Timeline of British Acts on America »

Definition of Sugar Act
The American Revenue Act of 1764, so called Sugar Act, was a law that attempted to curb the smuggling of sugar and molasses in the colonies by reducing the previous tax rate and enforcing the collection of duties. It added several products such as hides, skins and potash to the list of enumerated commodities that could be legally exported under the . It was introduced by the new British Prime Minister, George Grenville. The 1764 Sugar Act amended the existing
Purpose of the Sugar Act
The goal of this …