Articles in the Molasses Act Category
Molasses Act »
Let’s learn why the poor enforcement of the British Molasses Act of 1773 opened the door to corruption among local officials.
What’s the Molasses Act, Anyway?
First things first, let’s talk about what the Molasses Act was all about. Imagine you’re in the 1700s, and you really love your sweet treats. Well, back then, sugar was a big deal, especially for making rum. And molasses was a key ingredient for this sugary drink.
The British government wanted to make sure they were making the most money off this molasses action. So, they passed …
Molasses Act »
It Was All About Molasses: The Molasses Act was primarily concerned with the trade of molasses, a key ingredient in rum production. It imposed duties on imported molasses from non-British colonies, primarily the French and Dutch West Indies. This tax aimed to protect British sugar plantations in the Caribbean.
Designed to Promote British Sugar: The British government wanted to encourage the consumption of sugar produced in its own colonies, especially the West Indies. By taxing foreign molasses heavily, they hoped to make British sugar more economically appealing to colonial producers.
A Complex …
Documents, Molasses Act »

Whereas the Welfare and Prosperity of Your Majesty’s Sugar Colonies in America are of the greatest Consequence and Importance to the Trade, Navigation, and Strength of this Kingdom: And whereas the Planters of the said Sugar Colonies have of late Years fallen under such great Discouragements, that they are unable to improve or carry on the Sugar Trade upon an equal Footing with the Foreign Sugar Colonies, without some Advantage and Relief be given to them from Great-Britain; for Remedy whereof, and for the Good and Welfare of Your Majesty’s …
Molasses Act, Timeline of British Acts on America »

This was one of the first decisions of British Parliament that gave a real boost to organizers smuggling in New England colonies. Simultaneously it promoted corruption among customs officials. To crack down colonial trade with countries other than Britain, especially France, the government created a new on foreign molasses.
The Molasses Act of 1733 was enacted by the British Parliament on the 13 colonies of America with the purpose of protecting its sugar plantations in the West Indies. This act was not designed to raise revenue but it was part of …
Molasses Act »

The British law that imposed tax on molasses, sugar and rum imported to American colonies from non-British foreign colonies. The objective was to protect the position of British suppliers in American market against cheaper Spanish and French goods. The act not only increased the price of sugar and rum in the colonies, but also curtailed American trade with French colonies that were also buyers of American goods such as lumber and farm products. The tax was very severe but also poorly enforced and lead to wide-spread evasion, bribery and smuggling allowing some colonial …